You Become an Employee
You will not become “an architect”, you will become an “Employee“.
Employee = Cloned Rentable Disposable Obedient Servant
In the industry of #Architecture, there are only Business Owners and Servants of the Owner, who earn less than cost of life, if they are lucky to hold a badly paid and overworked job, only until they are fired.
If you want to be a Business Owner you don’t study architecture for 5 years, only servants/employees do that.
University teachers are romantic about theory and don’t know about the real life of the employee, they can only teach you how to be a teacher, not an employee. Most employees are severely underpaid and still trying to make the best out of it to not lose the time invested and because they think they have no other option, most are in fear enslaved and frustrated. An EX-Employee like myself have no problem in sharing the truth of what is like to get to 40 and realize who did benefit from all of it, I got to 40 with absolutely nothing to my name but only Debt.
Employees don’t own what they create in 45 years of hard work + 20 of bad schooling.
Employees don’t own their own creation.
Employees don’t own a part of the business.
Employees don’t own a part of the profit.
Employees follow orders
Employees follow someone else’s intuition instead of their own
Breaking the natural law of: You Own The Entire Product of Your Own Efforts!
Better design does not equal more money or success for an employee, the only ⭐️Starchitect chance exists for the business owner, and most don’t make it. If you are an Employee above average (A-Player) you get it only worst, they want to shut you down:
Mid-level managers will make sure production employees don’t scale up to take their jobs and any threats will get fired unjustly.
It is nothing but a worthless rat-race that nobody wins and after decades of your hard hard efforts you are left with NOTHING.
Businesses only keep obedient servants in their payroll while they work for little money and are profitable for the Owner.
At least Slaves have an Owner that takes care of his/her servants, but Employees have to pay for their own training and Pray to get rented out only to Serve their Master, until they are fired.
I quit architecture after 20 years after understanding how terrible it was to be an employee in that industry.
I share videos about my enslavement with you:
My 4 AIA Design Awards and Portfolio are here:
I was a servant for different businesses for 15 years:
I was trained without my consent in a employee school:
There are more video playlists in the Little Ocean Drop YouTube channel.
I share with You with LOVE & COURAGE 🖤 because I care.
Share link:
An architect is a tool
tools are used
they are used by someone with a purpose
be the one with the purpose
don’t be a tool
cool if you are both
but don’t be the just a tool
you would be used and discarded
more important than becoming “an architect”
is becoming a business owner (who owns)
and avoiding becoming an employee
employee is a servant of the owner
unless you want to be underpaid, overworked
and never own the work you do:
School is a waste of time! GET A MENTOR INSTEAD!
I wasted 10 years in University full-time.
The only place where you learn how to be an employee in architecture is in employment in architecture, nowhere else, not in school.
To begin working in an office all you need to know is CAD/Revit and have a mentor.
a teacher CAN NOT mentor you to be a practitioner
a teacher CAN NOT mentor you to be an owner
a teacher CAN NOT mentor you to be a coach
a teacher CAN NOT mentor you to be a mentor
an employee CAN NOT mentor you to be a practitioner
an employee CAN NOT mentor you to be an owner
an employee CAN NOT mentor you to be a coach
an employee CAN NOT mentor you to be a mentor
ONLY an employee can mentor you to be an employee
ONLY a teacher can mentor you to be a teacher
ONLY a practitioner can mentor you to be a practitioner
ONLY an owner can mentor you to be an owner
ONLY a coach can mentor you to be a coach
ONLY a mentor can mentor you to be a mentor
By Andres Rozo