I Quit School Today!
(I don’t quit the people, I quit the system we all used, and some use today)
I Think I Am a #SchoolDropOut Who Never Did It, Im 40.
I went to School every day on:
1982 transition grade — I don’t recall, felt ok
1983 first grade — I don’t recall, felt ok
1984 second grade — I don’t recall, felt ok
1985 third grade — I don’t recall, felt ok
1986 fourth grade — I don’t recall, felt ok
1987 fifth grade — my english teacher started torturing me, psychologically
1988 sixth grade — began the big failing of most classes
1989 seventh grade — I simply couldn’t reed, nobody helped, I got punished
1990 eight grade — I failed 12 out of 13 classes, had a 10/10 in math
1991 ninth grade — the world was crashing, I couldn’t take this anymore
1992 ninth grade — I repeated ninth grade, this was really unnecessary
1993 tenth grade — why was I in school? It didn’t made any sense
1994 tenth grade — repeat 10th 1st of 2.5 years — month 1 = best in school
1995 tenth grade — repeat 10th 2nd of 2.5 years — didn’t do anything
1996 tenth grade — repeat 10th 3rd of 2.5 years — didn’t do anything
1997 architecture year 1 — finally a change, this was fun
1998 architecture year 2 — this was really fun, something I really wanted
1999 architecture year 3 — moved to US by myself with $200, a new life
2000 architecture year 4 — I felt not welcomed, started working pro
2001 architecture year 5 — I am already working pro, why the school?
2002 architecture year 6 — I have more pro experience than some teachers
2003 architecture year 7 — finally into design studio again
2004 architecture year 8 — I proved myself as designer, topping the class
2005 architecture year 9 — I am ready to leave, not learning a lot
2006 architecture year 10 — the system keeps me here, took other classes
2007 graduated for the first time ever — I cared less, I sat back with crowd
When I look at that list I think … “If my world would have listened to me, and my world supported me, I could have become a SuperNinja at anything I really wanted to do.” I also feel very unprepared for life after more than 2 (2) TWO decades of schooling.
I self educated myself on:
+ Emotions + Emotional Health + Emotional Intelligence
+ Mind, how it works, programing, software, updates, awakening
+ Body natural health, Spinal warmup, breath work, yoga, kriyas
+ Soul, Spirit, self, identity, purpose, love
+ Food, alkaline, yin-yang, alive, chi, fake
+ Money, how to make it, keep it, invest it
+ Energy, manage it, where is it, create it, how should it flow
+ People, teams, tribes, leadership, humanity ethics, values
+ Entrepreneurship, business, finance, basics (learning)
+ Survival Basics, Planting, what, why, where, when, how, etc. (pending)
I love teaching/sharing these skills now!
I suffered too much thru school. It was nothing but torture, a strict, slave machine, using fear based strategies to program us for obligation, obedience, and following orders. Today I know that “the fault is in the sufferer” and that suffering is a choice, but the mental program I had back then (Windows 95) didn’t knew that.
I had nowhere else to go. What would I do as a drop out? My world would have come crashing down on me for being different. I am so sorry for all of us, students and teachers alike. So much fear in our minds of being different. What happened to listening, living life, learning other things, taking risks, exploring, adventure, finding out new paths?
I had no support in that idea, I can’t think of a single soul that would have supported me in quitting school. Today, I support you, ask for support, I can be in the conversation, whatever you need, Love is stronger than fear.
Today, there is internet! YouTube! Google! Facebook Groups! Podcasts! Pocket Audiobooks! Coaches! and we can learn anything we want by ourselves!
I love taking courses, listening to teachers and learning,
I don’t like the School System.
With love, I Quit School Today!
Andres Rozo E.